1.使用固定式升降机必须配置经过专门培训,考试合格,持证上岗的专业操作人员。The use of fixed hoist must be equipped with specialized training, examination qualified, professional operation personnel certification.
2.固定式升降机操作的人员要扎好安全带、检查周围工作环境。Fixed lift operation personnel to tie the seat belt, check the surrounding work environment.
3.支撑是固定式升降机操作的一项重要准备工作,应选择平整的地面,如地基松软或起伏不平,必须用枕木垫实后,才可进行工作。Support is an important preparatory work for a fixed lift operation, should choose a flat surface, such as foundation is soft or rough, must use the sleeper pads after, can work.
4.固定式升降机一般应先起下臂,再起中臂,最后起上臂。在升降平台回转操作过程中,必须在下臂起升一定高度后方可进行回转,回转应缓慢,同时注意剪臂及平台对各设备的距离是否满足安全需要。Fixed hoist general should play under the arm in arm, back, arm end. During the operation of the lifting platform, it is necessary to carry out the rotation when the lower arm reaches a certain height, and the rotation should be slow.
5.使用固定式升降机作业前,工作负责人应向操作人员,进行技术和安全交待,内容应包括:工作内容及要求;安全注意事项及危险点;人员分工情况及责任范围。The use of fixed hoist before operation, the responsible person should be accountable to the operators, technology and safety, the content should include: the contents and requirements of the work; safety precautions and dangerous point; division of labor and responsibility.
6.固定式升降机运行注意,支腿是否打开,电源是否反接线。Fixed lift operation attention, whether or not the legs open, whether the power supply wiring.
7.操作人员期间,不要随便丢落物体,禁止在周围人员行走。During the operation, do not drop objects, prohibit walking around the staff.
8.操作固定式升降机的时候要选定空旷的位置,操作人员仔细观察栏杆距离及时调整。When operating a fixed lift to choose the open position, the operator carefully observe the distance from the railing adjustment.
9.在固定式升降机时候要随时观察支腿的高度,保持一定要保持升降平台水平升降。In the fixed lift to observe the height of the legs at any time, to maintain the level of lifting platform must be maintained.
10.固定式升降机上升下降期间,操作人员不能随便摇晃身体和栏杆,各种口令要清晰大声。During the rise and fall of the stationary lift, the operator can not shake the body and the railing, the password should be clear and loud.
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